A collage of Alex in some of his favorite skirts
August 15, 2024

It wasn’t that long ago that I realized I had a certain set of skirts that I wear when I am planning on going out in public and not feeling as confident about my skirt-wearing as I normally do. I have dubbed these my “safety blanket skirts”.

These skirts tend to be straight, mostly denim or cotton, are bold in color and tend to have very little ornamentation on them. They also all have pockets. These characteristics place them much more in line with what is available for purchase in the typical men’s department even if they are not bifurcated.

As such, I feel that they are more likely to fly under the radar, so to speak, and thus are less likely to be noticed by other people. Whether that is true or not is entirely irrelevant because it’s the fact that I feel that way that helps me.

Why I Wear Them

As my skirt collection has grown over the past couple of years to far exceed any collection I’ve ever had of men’s pants and shorts, so have the types of skirts I have added to it. As we all know, the amount of patterns, colors and cuts that skirts come in is vast compared to anything available in the men’s department. Diversity is a real reason for a lot of us to wear skirts.

That said, I don’t always feel confident enough to wear some of the more “feminine” skirts out in public. I have some with bows or lace, for example. Others are “balloon skirts” or have other cuts that are much more ostentatious than straight skirts. I don’t have any bright or wild patterns, but they would fall into this category as well.

There is no doubt that I love wearing all of them, but they present a significantly larger hurdle to get over when stepping out the door into the world beyond the safety of my home. Most of the time, I am able to get over it and get out in one of those skirts, but sometimes, I don’t have the energy or, quite frankly, the will to push through it.

That is where my “safety blanket skirts” come into play.

How They Help Me

These skirts are my tried and true, battle-harden garments that I know I can rely on to not cause a fuss when I go out. I have been out many times in public in them and at some point, I don’t worry about going out in them. The more skirts I wear out, the more that get added to this list.

I know I can go out and not have to worry about other people’s reactions. In fact, I have worn some of them out so much that the thrill of wearing a skirt out in public just doesn’t really happen anymore when I have one on. It almost feels like wearing shorts or jeans: entirely normal.

As I mentioned above, most of them are more subtle and have a lot more of the characteristics of garments from the men’s department: solid colors, rugged materials, big pockets and straight cuts. This, of course, has a psychological effect on me when I wear them out in that it feels like they are less likely to be noticed by others.

Most of the time, I don’t mind being noticed and do, in fact, welcome any discussion about it as long as it is not just an attempt to insult me. If I’m not feeling up for attention though, I fall back on one of these skirts.


Going out in a more “feminine” skirt with lace or bows or an a-line cut can be a lot of fun. In fact, I thoroughly enjoy it when I do work up the courage to do it. Most of the time, I don’t get any attention wearing those either which, you could say, actually makes the point of my “safety blanket skirts” moot.

I would disagree though because it’s not necessarily about facts here, it’s about feelings. While I logically know and understand that it is highly unlikely that people are going to fret about me wearing any skirt out, regardless of whether it is more “feminine” or “masculine”, I still feel that these more “masculine” ones are going to more acceptable and therefore less likely to kick up a storm. Therefore, they are easier for me to wear out. It’s 100% in my head, but it still helps me.

Do I think everyone needs to have a set of “safety blanket skirts”? No, I definitely don’t. I can, however, recommend that those who are insecure about going out give it a try though. They have helped me quite a bit in getting over my insecurities and it’s great to have a set to fall back on that I have successfully worn out in public multiple times with only positive experiences.

Do you have any “safety blanket skirts” or any skirts that you feel more comfortable going out in public in than others? Why are they more comfortable for you? What are your thoughts on it?

Here is a small gallery of me wearing my current set of “safety blanket skirts”:

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About the Author

Alex Seifert
In many ways, Alex is a typical man who just so happens to enjoy wearing skirts and high heels. He is married to a wonderful, supportive wife and has a young son. His hobbies include reading, programming, metal music, playing instruments, video games, cars, hiking and a number of other smaller things.

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