AI-generated image of a man dressed in a maid outfit with cat ears talking on the phone
July 14, 2024

Several weeks ago, I published a post about a colleague of mine who got “caught” by his dad in full femboy gear. That post generated a lot of interest and so I thought I would follow up on it and, with my colleague’s permission, give you an update on the situation.

In the last post, we left off with his dad storming out of his apartment and his family breaking off all communication with him. No one returned any phone calls or answered any messages. Fortunately, this situation has changed.

This past week, he received a phone call from his mom and they had a lengthy, heartfelt discussion about the entire matter. I don’t know the details of the conversation since he didn’t elaborate and I didn’t ask because I figured it was none of my business, but I do know that he is a much happier person now.

The only piece of the conversation he shared with me is that his family has decided to accept him for how he is after needing some time and distance to process everything. His dad has apparently only done so reluctantly, but the important part is that he has.

Since having the conversation with his mom, he has also received phone calls from both of his sisters who have reiterated their support for him. The only person he has yet to hear from directly is his dad, but that will change in the near future as his mom wants all of them to come over for dinner sometime next week.

One of his sisters asked him to wear one of his dresses because she wants to see him in it. He told me he was a little unsure about that, but I encouraged him to at least bring one so that he could change into it if he started to feel comfortable enough. He agreed that that would be a good idea.

It really is amazing what having the support of your family will do for your confidence. Since having the conversation with his mom, he has really gone all out with his femboy outfits. He’s had one on for every meeting we’ve had at work and has said that he has only changed out of them to leave his apartment and sleep.

I am extremely happy that the result has been so positive for him. He didn’t deserve anything less. I’m of the opinion that everyone should be encouraged to pursue their passions and express themselves however they want to as long as it is not harmful to others.

He clearly has a huge passion for this and so I’m happy for him that he no longer has to hide it from his family. It must feel like an enormous burden has been lifted off his shoulders.

Note: The AI-generated image at the top of the post doesn’t look anything like my colleague.

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About the Author

Alex Seifert
In many ways, Alex is a typical man who just so happens to enjoy wearing skirts and high heels. He is married to a wonderful, supportive wife and has a young son. His hobbies include reading, programming, metal music, playing instruments, video games, cars, hiking and a number of other smaller things.

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