My black utility kilt
October 16, 2024

I (somewhat) recently wrote about my first time wearing a skirt in front of my parents, so I thought I would write about my first experience wearing a skirt in front of my mother-in-law.

To be honest, the experience was even less sensational than with my parents, if you could call it sensational at all. I decided to start slowly with her and began by wearing my black utility kilt which can be seen in one of the pictures below.

The Kilt

She lives about two hours away from us but visits fairly regularly. It was for one of these visits in the summer of 2023 that I decided to don my kilt.

At this point, you might expect me to say that she had no reaction when I answered the door wearing it, but that isn’t actually true in this case. When I opened it for her, she stayed on the front porch for a moment and looked at my kilt. Even before saying hello, she said, “Oh, you’re wearing a kilt!”

She didn’t say it in a condescending way but rather because she was surprised. It was immediately followed by her complimenting the way it looked on me and a story about how she had been seeing more men in kilts recently. She added that she always wondered whether they were wearing any underwear but would never dare ask. Understanding the implied question, I assured her I was.

That isn’t the only time someone has asked me that question when wearing a kilt. It seems to be the first thing that comes to mind for a lot of people when they see a man in a kilt. Maybe I should write about that in a separate post.

Overall, the visit with me wearing my kilt went well except for one detail that frustrated me a little bit. On the day of her arrival, we decided to go out and get pizza for dinner. Just before we were about to leave, she asked me if I was going to change into “something more serious” and stated that I couldn’t go out to eat like that. If the restaurant were more upscale or formal, I would have understood why that particular utility kilt wouldn’t have been appropriate, but the pizza place is a hole-in-the-wall restaurant where it doesn’t matter.

The thing that irked me though was that I knew she didn’t mean that particular kilt. She meant that I should change into jeans to be “taken seriously.” While she didn’t explicitly say that, it was very much so implied. I wasn’t going to argue with her, but I also wasn’t going to change. Instead, I just explained to her that I go out in it all the time and it’s fine. She was skeptical but didn’t argue. As you would expect, everything went just fine.

The Skirt

I wore the kilt around my mother-in-law a few more times before moving on to a skirt from the women’s department. She often complimented me on it but didn’t say anything about me wearing it out again.

It wasn’t until the past summer (2024) that I decided to wear one of my favorite skirts for hot weather: a lightweight, blue jersey skirt that can be seen in one of the photos below. I started the day off in shorts, but as the temperature increased, I got more and more uncomfortable. At some point, I decided it was time for a skirt and changed into it. I could have worn my kilt, but wanted something more lightweight.

Oddly enough, there was no reaction whatsoever this time. She didn’t compliment me or say anything about it at all. Normally, I can read people and gauge their reactions fairly well, but there was absolutely no change in her at all. She carried on exactly as she had with me in shorts as though nothing had changed.

I thought she may not have noticed which would have been ideal, so I asked her what she thought of my skirt. I specifically used the word “skirt” this time. She told me it looked good on me and looked comfortable but didn’t say anything more than that. She may have been a little uncomfortable with me wearing it, but she didn’t show it.


Since those first experiences, I have consistently worn skirts in front of her and haven’t had any more reactions at all other than an occasional compliment. She treats me exactly the same way as before and mainly gives off the impression that she doesn’t care whatsoever. In my experience, that is exactly how most people react to seeing a man in a skirt: they just don’t care.

Here are a couple of pictures of what I wore in front of her:

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About the Author

Alex Seifert
In many ways, Alex is a typical man who just so happens to enjoy wearing skirts and high heels. He is married to a wonderful, supportive wife and has a young son. His hobbies include reading, programming, metal music, playing instruments, video games, cars, hiking and a number of other smaller things.

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