February 21, 2025

Everybody Skirts has done it again! This is another great article about where your waistline is when wearing a skirt.

Men are so used to wearing pants that tend to be lower on the hip that is an adjustment to wear skirts higher. This was certainly something I did at the beginning because I had no idea. Since I mostly wear my shirts untucked, it took quite a while before my wife could see how low I was wearing my skirts and correct me.

Obviously, where you wear them is entirely up to you and depends on what you feel most comfortable with, but this article should help guide you to find your sweet spot.


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About the Author

Alex Seifert
In many ways, Alex is a typical man who just so happens to enjoy wearing skirts and high heels. He is married to a wonderful, supportive wife and has a young son. His hobbies include reading, programming, metal music, playing instruments, video games, cars, hiking and a number of other smaller things.

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