September 6, 2024

I recently saw a post on Everybody Skirts that introduced an article about how new fashion brands are introducing more skirts marketed for men. They are seeing skirts becoming more popular among men, especially younger men, and want to meet the growing demand.

I think it’s wonderful that the demand is getting big enough that new brands and companies are starting to appear to cater to it since a lot of the entrenched brands aren’t yet. That means there are enough skirt-wearing men to start a business and keep it afloat. I see that as a wonderful sign.

The link below is to the original article, but I’d also recommend reading what Everybody Skirts had to say about it here.

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About the Author

Alex Seifert
In many ways, Alex is a typical man who just so happens to enjoy wearing skirts and high heels. He is married to a wonderful, supportive wife and has a young son. His hobbies include reading, programming, metal music, playing instruments, video games, cars, hiking and a number of other smaller things.

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