High Heels

I have been playing around with Microsoft Bing’s new AI feature and just out of curiosity, I thought I would ask it a couple of questions about wearing skirts and heels as a man.

March 28, 2023

There are tons of reasons for wearing feminine clothing as a man. The clothes we wear are a deeply personal thing and should express who we are. These are my reasons and my story.

March 21, 2023

Over the past year or so, I have been pinning pictures of men in skirts, dresses and high heels to two different Pinterest boards. Since I often find it motivating to see other men and how they dress themselves in a “feminine” way, I thought I would share them here.

March 17, 2023

There is such a thing as a woman who finds a man who wears traditionally feminine clothing to be attractive. This is an interesting article about the trend of men in heels and the women who love it.

January 27, 2023