The skirt and leggings I wore on that first outing with my mom
July 29, 2024

At the beginning of 2024, my mom flew out to Germany from the United States to help us out with our small son. She stayed with us for two months and since we’ve always gotten along very well, the time flew by. She knows about and accepts my skirt and heel-wearing even when I’m around her. In fact, she even borrowed one of my skirts for a baptism we went to while she was here.

As such, I was able to wear skirts with her around just as I usually do without any conflict or issues. She had noticed, however, that I sometimes changed into jeans before going out. I did that usually when I wasn’t feeling confident enough to wear a skirt out or when I was just exhausted from taking care of a one-year-old and couldn’t be bothered working myself up to overcome the self-erected barrier to go out in one.

On one of those occasions, when I was about to change into jeans before going out to eat with the family, she asked me why I was changing and not just going in my skirt. I started to explain my nervousness and the fact that it cost me energy I didn’t have to do it and her response rocked my skirt-wearing world:

“I don’t get what the big deal is.”

I put those words in bold because they changed a lot for me. There I was, standing there with my very conservative mother and she had just told me that she doesn’t get why it’s a big deal for me, as a man, to wear a skirt and leggings out in public.

The reason that comment changed things so drastically for me is multifaceted. At that very moment, it was the shock value. That sort of progressive comment was the last thing I had expected from her. It just showed me that you can’t assume that everyone who is otherwise very conservative sees men wearing skirts as something negative. My subsequent experiences in the small, conservative town I live in have since proven that to me again and again.

The other, much more important reason was that it came from someone who cares so much about me. It was an honestly meant, offhand comment that was uttered by one of the most important people in my life. Her support has always been important in my endeavors and to hear such an unexpected sentence said in an entirely nonchalant way thoroughly changed my perspective on the matter. It just goes to show how critical support from the right people can be.

At that moment, the figurative dam broke and I haven’t been able to stop wearing skirts out regularly since. The self-erected barrier is certainly still there, but it’s nothing more than a speed bump now, rather than an intimidating gate. It feels incredibly liberating.

Needless to say, I didn’t change into jeans that evening. I wore the dark gray, denim skirt with black cotton leggings I already had on. And guess what: nothing happened. No comments, no looks, no f*cks given from anyone even though I had to run around the restaurant chasing my one-year-old son for all to see rather than just sit and hide my skirt under the table. I had a wonderful time and don’t regret a thing about it.

Have there been any particular occurrences that have changed your perspective on skirt-wearing? What has happened to make it easier for you to go out in public in a skirt? If you don’t go out, what would need to happen? Let me know in the comments below!

The skirt and leggings I wore on that first outing with my mom
The skirt and leggings I wore on that first outing with my mom
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About the Author

Alex Seifert
In many ways, Alex is a typical man who just so happens to enjoy wearing skirts and high heels. He is married to a wonderful, supportive wife and has a young son. His hobbies include reading, programming, metal music, playing instruments, video games, cars, hiking and a number of other smaller things.

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